The Rampler Special: Andy’s Message (5/16/09) 12.20 (4:46:00 / 261 MB)
The Overnightscape Underground – May 2009 – Track 20
“Your Late Night Broadcast” online at
Created by Frank Edward Nora ( in New Jersey, USA
May 16, 2009 is the 25th anniversary of the supposed death of Andy Kaufman. The website had been promising a special message for this day, so I got set up to record my reactions to it in real time. One thing I had been intending to do for awhile was sit out on the porch and smoke pipes. Also, having seen some recent web broadcasts from BradmanTV on USTREAM, I figured I would try it out myself, though I just had a kind of crappy webcam on my Acer Aspire One netbook.
In the end, I would up broadcasting for nearly 5 hours! It was a heck of a lot of fun. I smoked pipes and drank some “Black & White” Scotch on the porch, and we got Andy’s “fuck you” message, and a lot of the people were watching and in the chatroom.
My battery ran out and I went inside and continued the show in The Overnightscape Studio, eventually drinking some absinthe and putting on a puppet show!! Also, showing some video of Andy Kaufman on Fridays with weird video feedback sounds… a whole lot of stuff. Most of it was recorded on video (see below)…
It was a very fun experience! I hope to do it again, hopefully with a better webcam…
From an audio perspective, this piece may be a bit difficult at times – long pauses and such – since so much was going on – but there is good stuff up till the very end, so stick with it!
License for this track: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States ( Attribution: by Frank Edward Nora – more info at